Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Prayer is a conversation with God that aims to sanctify the soul who stands in His presence.
Prayer might encompass requests to God for certain outcomes, circumstances, changes, improvements, graces, strength, health, etc. but Prayer intrinsically is "being" in the presence of God who fashioned the soul. We tend to trust what we see and if we cannot see, we don't believe. I say this because I know a lot of people are praying that one candidate win over another for a number of their own reasons

But I believe because I am in His very presence, that political situations (things of this world) will become unravelled and in the end the King of Kings will have Victory over our evil tendancies. In today's election, people will be disappointed and even afraid. There is always the light of Christ. Barack Obama and John McCain are not "saviours". They are not Messiahs to usher in better times. We must do the ushering in by returning to our fundamental Christ sent message (the Gospel) of giving of one's self for the love of all mankind, even our enemies. It also means that we must also become ambassadors of truth which is clear in the case of the Gospel of Life....that we are a Nation on a railroad toward tipidity and tolerance (numbness, indifference) for what is wrong. The killing of the unborn is one of those sins we all bare some responsibility for in our willingness to compromise that intrinsic right to exist by voting for a candidate who minimizes abortion as "a single issue" among many heavy burdens. No. The right of the unborn to exist is not the moral equivelence of the death penalty, or war or other sins of death. It alone is the backdrop of our country's innocence. When we kill that, we are anethsetized by something intrinsically evil allowing us to justify choices that would promote and further the causes of those who think abortion is a tiny issue in the soured sea of poltics. Politics is no longer "rational", as in the theories posited by Aristotle and Plato. Politics has become "erratic", emotional, thriving on fear, appearances, and has allowed us to become blind in the face of the dark forces of evil. The minor expense? the unborn. It is our sacrifice to the god of choice, the god of disobedience, the god that places choice before life itself and in that way, we place ourselves in the place of God. This was Adam's sin of disobedience and we continue to replay it with all of our sophistication and sophistry, appearances, swaggering, and rhetoric.

My brothers and sisters, abortion is a scourge and it places our country among the Laodicia's of the world....lukewarm, ready to be spit out. Beware of the coming castigation. God be with us and give us strength to be able to take in great humility, the coming chastisement. In the end, Christ will reign for He is the Lord of Heaven and Earth. But in the short time we have, we must be awake, come out of the anesthesia that allows us to justify chosing promoters of the culture of death. This evil is not of human origen. It is the Father of lies and murderers from the beginning, it is that fallen angel who would do anything to tear apart God's creation and mimic himself as a fallen shining star, confident leader, mimicing Good. A sheep in wolves clothing. "Oh how wonderful", some will say that our country has moved toward being able to elect a person of color....my, how far we have come.

The fox has fooled us in the guise of playing on our sense that we have evolved beyond prejudice. There is something worse than being asked to sit in the back of the bus....it is not being allowed the opportunity to thrive and take our first breath. We will never elect an aborted baby soul to the presidency. Imagine that. My, how far we have come from the days that Cain killed Abel.

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